NHDC is implementing the Yarn supply scheme of Govt. of India , under which all types of yarn is being supplied to the eligible handloom weavers all over the country at the mill gate price. In addition to the supply of raw material NHDC is also undertaking following developmental activities for the handloom sectors.
India Handloom Brand: India Handloom brand has been launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on the occasion of the first National Handloom Day on August 7, 2015. The Handloom Mark Scheme was launched by the Government of India on June 28, 2006 to provide assurance to the consumers about authenticity of handloom products. However, it did not cover the aspect of product quality assurance. Therefore, the India Handloom brand is an initiative for branding of high quality handloom products with zero defects and zero effect on the environment. It would differentiate high quality handloom products and help in earning trust of customers by endorsing their quality in terms of raw materials, processing, embellishments, weaving design and other quality parameters and by ensuring social and environmental compliances in their production. The registration for India Handloom will be granted to certain specified eligible entities in respect of identified product categories which meet prescribed quality parameters.
Dyers Training programs: To educate the weavers about the latest dying techniques so that the marketability of there product improved.
Buyers Sellers meet : to introduce the alternate Yarn supply mills to the handloom weavers about the choice of Yarn and to improve the availability of good quality yarn.It helps the suppliers and buyers to interact each other directly .
Seminar on dissemination of various Govt schemes . :To disseminate the information about the various government schemes for the handloom sectors.
Special Handloom Expo: To organize the exhibitions at the various parts of the country to assist the marketing handloom products.
Product development : NHDC undertakes several programs on development of new products by using different kinds of yarn for the betterments of products beyond traditional lines.
Knowledge sharing visits :To enhance the knowledge of weavers NHDC facilitates the visit of weavers in other weaving clusters of the country.